Fluid LevelsEach car has its own maintenance schedule. Following these schedules will directly impact the life of your car, its performance and its safety. Many of these you can complete yourself without having to call a mechanic. Checking fluids is one of the simplest and most effective ways to maintain your cars health. Ensuring that you have the correct levels of oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze, wiper fluid, power steering fluid and brake fluid can save
Air and a SpareYour tires
Over-inflation creates a "balloon" effect and will show significant wear in the center treads of your tire
Don't forget to check that spare in the trunk. Having a properly inflated spare can save you a tow bill, or a road service call. In case you have a flat in an area without cell phone service
Oil Changes Oil is the lifeblood of all engines. Through the last several decades, as engines have changed so has the required timing of oil changes. What used to be a standard 3,000 mile oil change is today 5,000 miles or more, depending on the make, model and engine in your vehicle. (Again, consult your owner's manual for details). Also, there are different grades, viscosity or weight of oil and in some diesel engines they require more oil than gas engines. There is research that shows using synthetic oil can reduce fuel consumption, extend engine life and reduce carbon emissions. Consider using it at your next oil change or ask your dealer if it could be used in your particular vehicle.
Air FilterThis is a filter anyone - regardless of mechanical knowledge - can replace. It requires no tools on most vehicles, and is an inexpensive filter. If this filter becomes filled with dirt and debris your fuel mileage can drop by 10% and it could cost you 15 cents a gallon in fuel consumption. A general rule for changing this filter is roughly every three months, in areas where you encounter more dirt, pollution or road construction, you might have to change it more often. Your owner's manual will provide guidelines for changing and give you the necessary parts numbers. (Most automotive stores and retailers that sell automotive supplies also have parts books that give part numbers).
Wiper Blades and Wiper FluidThere is little more disconcerting then having sludge splashed across your windshield, hitting the wipers and fluid, only to find the fluid empty or the wipers worn out. This can also lead to an accident caused by poor visibility. Wiper blades are essential to safety, change them at least yearly. Even if you live in a very dry area, the sun and weather will do damage to them. A good quality set of wiper blades will cost less than $20 and is much cheaper and healthier than having an accident.
Wiper fluid can be purchased at almost any discount retailer for less than $3 a gallon, keep some in your garage. Resist the temptation to use water in your wiper fluid reservoir. Water can freeze, it can do damage to your sprayer system, and bacteria lives in there.
The Bottom LineThere are many things you can do to help make your vehicle last longer, run cheaper and give you many years of worry free service. If you take the time to read your owner's manual, it will detail many things you can do to without the need of a mechanic.
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