Friday, July 25, 2014

Cool Car Tips

With the summer months upon us, it's the time of year when getting into your car can feel like getting into an easy bake oven, so we'd like to give you ten tips to keeping your car cool and comfortable.

1). Sunshade or window visor.

Old faithful of the car cooling world, these things will help block out some of the heat and make your car a little bit cooler than before. Use one on the front and back to maximize cooling potential!

2) Dash covers.

These will absorb heat and make touching your dashboard a little less painful. They're stylish too.

3) Covering your steering wheel.

A hand towel or steering wheel cover are your best friend to avoid the, "ouch, that's hot!" blues.

4) Park in a Shady Spot

Although this may go without saying, it's still important to keep your car in a shaded area to keep temperatures low. It's worth the extra walk to avoid the frustration of getting into a car that's just as hot, or hotter, than the temperature outside. Just avoid gladiator combat for these highly coveted spots.

5) Keep heat sensitive goods hidden

Things like CDs, tapes or other heat delicate items should be placed in areas where they can avoid direct sunlight. Blankets or towels are good if you can't find a spot underneath the seat.

6) Garages

Another staple in car cooling, garages or other parking structures are good ways to keep your car out of the sun's death rays.

7) Keeping windows cracked.

Keeping your windows cracked, even just the tiniest bit, can promote circulation, which helps keep your car cool. So, it's not a bad idea if you're making a quick trip into the store. Just make sure it's not open enough to fit your arm through.

8) Solar-powered fans

Hey, look, no cord required! These babies, along with cracked windows, can help expel hot air out of your car and ensure it isn't quite the oven it was before.

9) Seat covers, blankets, and towels.

Vinyl and leather seats love the heat, but they're just so hazardous to the health of your skin. To keep those love birds apart, a blanket, seat cover, or towel over the surface will help reduce the amount of heat they absorb. This will then give you a comfortable place to sit and to be seated without the threat of a 3rd degree burn.

10) Open the doors before jumping in.

Giving the car a few minutes to air out before getting into your car will improve the temperature as the cool(er) air rushes in.

We hope that with these tips, you'll keep your car from becoming this:

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